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The epic tragedy (comedy?) of The New Mutants continues with a fresh trailer and a Comic Con panel

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Look, we all know the tragedy of The New Mutants, right? The back-for-reshoots, delayed (and delayed again), handed-off-to-Disney X-Men film focusing on the titular younger mutants of Marvel’s greatest team. I find it to be one of the more-depressing (but also heartening for its fortitude) Hollywood stories of late. Yet here in 2020, amidst all of the chaos that rocks the world, a new trailer for The New Mutants has emerged.

A new teaser trailer. Emphasis on “teaser.” The tease in question is for the film’s appearance at the upcoming Comic-Con@Home event, the online string of announcements, Q&As, and other geeky festivities taking the (virtual) place of the San Diego Comic-Con, in light of the ongoing pandemic.

For the less-invested: When we last left our heroes, The New Mutants was set for an August 28 release date, with full theatrical distribution (as opposed to a VOD or Disney+ launch) in the cards. With the state of movie theaters still a big question in the US (and around many other parts of the world), an August date seems increasingly unlikely.

Now set to make an appearance during a July 23 panel, it’s still anybody’s guess as to when the film will release. And what might the panel entail? A live read? Behind-the-scenes gossip? Maybe we can jump ahead to an anniversary rerelease, or have director Josh Boone act out the entire script, aping explosions and other SFX? Whatever it might be, I am there. As someone who is genuinely eager to see the horror-tinged spin on Marvel’s mutants, the ongoing saga of the film has mostly been a source of ill-fated gallows humor, the sort of deep sigh release I can look forward to once a month. “Well, New Mutants is delayed again, sure as the sun rises and sets.” 

But for all involved, I of course hope the film gets to screens soon, with the frustration of these delays no doubt a source of great anxiety. We’ll just have to see when we get out Comic-Con update July 23, at 2PM PST.

‘The New Mutants’ Gets a New Trailer and Comic-Con@Home Panel — But When Is It Coming Out? [Collider]

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