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Trailer Round-up #5

Now I wasn’t able to post a Trailer Round-up last week due to technical difficulties with the Flixist servers. So I wrapped last weeks Trailer Round-up in tin foil and put it in the fridge as we focused in keeping Tommy Raptor away from the servers. So now that everything is moving swimmingly, time for another serving of trailers, only this time you’re entitled to a second helping. Isn’t Thanksgiving great?

Now I wasn't able to post a Trailer Round-up last week due to technical difficulties with the Flixist servers. So I wrapped last weeks Trailer Round-up in tin foil and put it in the fridge as we focused in keeping Tommy Raptor away from the servers. So now that everything is moving swimmingly, time for another serving of trailers, only this time you're entitled to a second helping. Isn't Thanksgiving great?


Mean Girls 2

Lindsay Lohan must be spinning in her grave right now. What's that? She's still alive? Give it time.

Also, Tim Meadows deserves better than this. He's falling into Eugene Levy territory by being the only one to stick around for worthless straight to DVD sequels. After recently watching Grown Ups, it just seems like a sad state of affairs for the SNL alumni of the 90s, unless, of course, your name is Will Ferrell.

Dead Awake

She's dead. No wait a minute now he's dead. Maybe I'm dead. This thing has more twists than M. Night Shamalanadingdong eating a pretzel while doing yoga.


It's a bunny playing the drums. Somehow that will be turned into a whole movie. The end.

Mars Needs Moms

Mars Needs Moms? How about "Disney Needs to Leave CGI animation to Pixar" as an alternate title?

The design of the humans are almost too realistic, making them look soulless and quite frightening. I'm sure these freaks of technology will be haunting my dreams for months to come, chalk it up to the uncanny valley.

Red Riding Hood

I thought this looked interesting. It seemed like a dark and stylized retelling of a timeless tale that somehow found a way to let Gary Oldman do what he does best and give me a reason to stare at Amanda Seyfried's big head. But then I saw it comes from the same director of Twilight, and I lost all interest in the movie.

I realize that it's wrong of me to judge a new movie based merely on a connection to a film series I've never even seen, but it's my right as an American to rush to conclusions. U-S-A! U-S-A!

The Lincoln Lawyer

Finally, a chance for Matthew McConaughey to NOT be in an awful romantic comedy. Though the trailer doesn't really reveal much, it looks to be a crime thriller with some kind of thought and charm to it. I'll give it a chance. After all, one of McConaughey's early roles was as a a charming yet rebellious lawyer in A Time to Kill. Man, I gotta watch A Time to Kill again, if only to hear Sam Jackson yell "Yes they deserved to die, and I hope they burn in hell!".

And now for the delicious leftovers from last week. You might want to leave them in the microwave for a little bit longer than usual.

Source Code

The meeting behind Source Code must have went something like this:

Hey, you know what could have been awesome movie? Déjà Vu. Let's try it again only this time NOT have it suck? Yea?

With that being said, it actually looks really interesting. I know I thought the same thing when I saw the trailer for Déjà Vu, but David Bowie’s kid is directing this one, and I thought Moon (his first film) was extremely underrated and even snubbed at the Oscars, so I'll be watching it.

Cowboys and Aliens

It has cowboys, aliens, and Han Solo? That's a simple enough pitch for me. BUY!

Your Highness

I actually got to see the end of this trailer at New York Comic Con during a panel with Franco, McBride, Theroux and director David Gordon Green. They described it as a passion project that is inspired by the likes of The Princess Bride and Army of Darkness. While those are awesome films to aspire to be like, I'm sure it looks awesome now but will only be okay once I actually see the movie, just like Pineapple Express. I'm sorry, but dick and pot jokes can only go so far with me.

But still… Natalie Portman is in a thong, which means some of you will see it despite what I say. You can have that stickly broad, I’ll be busy ogling the siren that is Zooey Deschanel.

Green Lantern

Never been much of a DC guy (sorry Sean), so I'm pretty unfamiliar with the Green Lantern series. As for the trailer, it looks like your run of the mill action packed comic book adaptation. The aliens and the suit itself little “rubbery” though.

Still, Sean has been talking my ear off about the Green Lantern universe, and it all sounds pretty interesting so I'll be giving this a chance. That is, until Sean tells me to hate it.


You know, for a year now I’ve had a copy of 13 Tzemeti and I still haven't watched it. Being that's a foreign black and white film, it’s something I got to sit down and invest in.

But now with an Americanized version coming out, I now have two choices. Either deal with a colorless subtitled movie or deal with Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. Decisions, decisions.


Also, R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen 🙁

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