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Trailer: Thin Ice

I’m usually all about dark comedies that look a bit like Fargo and reunite Greg Kinear and Alan Arkin… OK, maybe that’s not true because Thin Ice is the only movie that does those things and I’m not actually all about it. You can check out the trailer above and see if you agree with me that it doesn’t seem to quite jive right.

The film is about Kinear attempting to swindle Alan Arkin out of a violin and he somehow gets Billy Cruddup involved who then murders a man. You can easily see where the whole Fargo vibe comes into play, but judging from this trailer the film doesn’t look as smart, clever or intelligent. Then again, not many films can stand up next to a Coen brothers movie.

Think Ice did get positive reviews coming out of some festivals last year so maybe this trailer is just not doing it for me. It releases limited on Feb. 17, so we’ll let you know then.

[Apple, via First Showing]

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