Twitter’s top 10 most tweeted films of 2010


With comedies by the bucket-full (Easy A, The Hot Tub Time Machine), a few above-average comic adaptations (Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World), some fantastic Oscar-bait (The Social Network, The Fighter), a cornucopia of year end must-sees (Black Swan, True Grit), and an awesome action-adventure movie rooted in Greek mythology (Clash of the JUST KIDDING, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief), 2010 has been a pretty great year for movies. Sure, the committees are ultimately in charge of who gets what awards, but it is us, the people, who do all the tweeting!

Twitter has released the list of 2010’s most tweeted movies, and for one reason or another, most of them make sense.

Join me after the jump for the list and a little editorial on each selection.

With comedies by the bucket-full (Easy A, The Hot Tub Time Machine), a few above-average comic adaptations (Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World), some fantastic Oscar-bait (The Social Network, The Fighter), a cornucopia of year end must-sees (Black Swan, True Grit), and an awesome action-adventure movie rooted in Greek mythology (Clash of the JUST KIDDING, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief), 2010 has been a pretty great year for movies. Sure, the committees are ultimately in charge of who gets what awards, but it is us, the people, who do all the tweeting!

Twitter has released the list of 2010’s most tweeted movies, and for one reason or another, most of them make sense.

Join me after the jump for the list and a little editorial on each selection.{{page_break}}

10. Paranormal Activity 2

The heir to the Halloween movie franchise throne now that Saw has come to a close, PA2 scared the bejeezus out of people nation-wide. It’s really no wonder that it made the list, but at number ten? That’s odd. A third film is already in the works, presumably featuring the lovely Molly Ephraim, and will undoubtedly rake in millions like its predecessors.

9. The Chronicles of Narnia

I’m 24, which is like 100 in Social Networking years. Kids are getting Twitter accounts and Facebooks earlier and earlier as time goes on, and I assume that’s why Narnia makes the list. I tried reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in sixth grade, gave up, BS’ed a report, and read IT instead. That might explain a few things. Hm…

8. The Expendables

No doubt about it, Sly Stone and company blew stuff up, and people tweeted their delight. Seeing Terry Crews kill like a thousand dudes with a shotgun and Randy Couture punch Steve Austin so hard he burst into flames are just a couple highlights, in case you missed it.

7. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Ugh. Thankfully, it’s only number seven on the list. On the bright side, vampires actually fought other vampires, and the porcelain-shattering dismemberments were a unique take. This is as good as it will get, because SPOILER ALERT: The big confrontation they’ll spend the latter half of the inexplicably split-in-twain (oh wait, they’re motivated by greed) Breaking Dawn gearing up for ends in a civil conversation and the two parties amicably parting ways. At least in two years from now, it will all be over.

6. The Last Airbender

Everybody was up in arms about the main characters of this movie being cast as white kids AND the movie sucked harder than Sasha Grey’s acting career. It’s a wonder that it didn’t get a spot higher up in the list. Racebending indeed!

5. Karate Kid

Speaking of racebending, did anybody complain about them casting an Africa-American kid in the role originally played by a Caucasian kid? In the end it doesn’t matter, because we got to see Jackie Chan take on a group of kids and defeat them all without actually having to land a blow. That was pretty cool. Needed more William Zabka though.

4. Despicable Me

This wasn’t as good as Megamind in my opinion, but I guess the kids ate it up.

3. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Video games, comics, and frenetic action framed in a love story. I ate it up, and apparently it got Twitter love, but for the number three most tweeted movie, how did it not do better theatrically? I did my part by seeing it twice and telling everyone I know that it was awesome.

2. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Finally bringing the series to a close (almost), it’s no surprise to see Harry Potter and Two Hours of Walking Across Gloomy Landscapes this high on the list. I look forward to the second half, where stuff happens.

1. Inception


And there you have it, folks: this year’s Top Ten Tweeted Movies. Surprisingly, The Social Network didn’t rank. Please do weigh in with your thoughts. Also, a special thanks to Geoff for the help with pictures 6-10.

[Via /film]