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Venom not a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: sad face

Venom, aka Tom Hardy wears a bodycon suit in Times Square for tips, will not be a part of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. That’s according to to producer and President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige.

According to Feige, “There is no plan for Venom in the MCU. [Venom]’s a Sony Project.That’s unfortunate, on several fronts, most predominantly, Marvel is killing the superhero movie game right now. No one else is even close, in spite of how good Wonder Woman is. Sony owns the film rights to Spider-Man and his accompanying cast of characters, aka Venom. However, in the interest of making films that people will really love by bringing all their beloved characters to one world shitloads of money, Sony partnered with Marvel to bring Spider-Man into the MCU.

Not so much for Venom. Which sucks, as Venom is a significantly better Spidey villain than Birdman The Vulture. It seems Sony wants to follow Fox’s Deadpool blueprint and doesn’t want to share the hundreds of millions of dollars in potential windfall. Some kids just never learn to share and play nice. My personal opinion is that by continuing to play ball with Marvel, it seems they are guaranteed even more success as it expands the number of tier-1 characters they can bring into the fold instead of relying entirely on Spider-Man villains. Spider-Man doesn’t have quite the expansive ‘mutant’ list that the Fox and the X-Men do.

Should Sony just give up and hop on the Marvel gravy train? (Y/N)


[Via Punchdrunkcritics]

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