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47 Meters Down will get a sequel because sequels make a lotsa lotsa money


In Hollywood only has one formula for success news (sequels), 47 Meters Down is getting a sequel. 47 Meters Down was a solid movie, especially as far as shark movies and creature features go. And, in addition to being a good movie, it ended up making a tidy sum at the box office, after having been saved from direct-to-home-video hell by the skin of its fin. Obviously a sequel was bound to happen. Not as obvious they’d call it 48 Meters Down. Sad face for terrible movie titles.

Director Johannes Robert is set to return to helm, and we can only presume Mandy Moore and Claire Holt (playing her now-dead sister) will reprise their role of idiot tourists who trust sketchy dudes. The only thing hotter in Hollywood than sequels is zombies. So, imagine this pitch:

Soulless Hollywood Lackey: It’s a buddy-cop The Shallows meets Warm Bodies–it’s fucking, amazing. 

Hollywood Hamburgler, Sr. VP Decision-Making & Monies: How many cheeseburgers will this make?

Soulless Hollywood Lackey: Cheeseburgers?

Hollywood Hamburgler, Sr. VP Decision-Making & Monies: *finishes shoving cheeseburger in mouth* Uh, monies, how many monies this make?

Soulless Hollywood Lackey: A shit-ton.

Hollywood Hamburgler, Sr. VP Decision-Making & Monies: Fuck yeah. Cheese … burgers.



[via Den of Geek]
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