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Bloggers Wanted: The award goes to

Award shows are obnoxious. We all know that. Awards themselves, though, can be their very own source of annoyance. Sure, you can be that annoying guy who goes, “OMG I don’t agree with some of the winners so the awards are crap!” Or you can do it better.

Since award shows are just people who said stuff was better than other stuff, we can give our own awards to those people that really missed out. So, this month, give an award. Give it to a movie, a person, a hot dog – whatever you want.

Get your thoughts together and load a post into our blogs with the title “The award goes to Whatever you want”. Please use the “Bloggers Wanted Response” tag so you can get that tingly “official” feeling. Don’t have enough to say to justify a full blog? Think harder. Or, you know, leave a comment and get a discussion going right here. Click through for some tips.

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