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Box Office Numbers: All the Women, Independent

Toppling Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s April domination is The Other Woman, a movie that looks like (and turns out to be according to Matt’s review) a less fun version of John Tucker Must Die. I don’t understand why, though. There’s plenty of other films, ones I didn’t see mind you, but- oh. 

Hit the jump for the box office performances for the April 25-27 weekend. 

[via Rentrak]

1. The Other Woman – $24,700,000

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier – $16,048,000

3. Heaven is For Real – $13,800,000

4. Rio 2 – $13,650,000

5. Brick Mansions – $9,600,000

6. Transcendence – $4,105,000

7. The Quiet Ones – $4,000,000

8. Bears – $3,606,000

9. Divergent – $3,600,000

10. A Haunted House 2 – $3,625,000

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