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Continental centric prequel to John Wick planned for TV

In what could only be described as an answer to my prayers, a prequel of sorts to the 2014 breakout hit John Wick is being planned for TV. The kicker? It’s all centered around The Continental hotels where no assassin business of any sort can be performed. Series creator Chad Stahelksi says of the show “It’s very tied to the film [in that] it’s about the Continentals all over the world, how certain people come into that world, and what happens in relation to those people, which is cool. I think the world is very vast, and everything I’ve heard from it is very positive.”

As someone who loved the hell out of the first John Wick film but then only liked the world-expanding parts of Chapter 2 this is heaven sent for me. I also think there could be a lot of good stories told if done right, imagine an entire episode dedicated to the new bartender trying to get Winston’s martini just the way he likes it? Perfection. Also this hopefully means we might see more Lance Reddick and maybe just maybe another TV show with Ian McShane and that’s enough to sell me on the show week 1. As of now though there are no networks or stars attached to the project but there is already a rumor floating around that Keanu Reeves will pop in for a cameo.

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