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Extended The Great Gatsby TV spot

While the other trailers have shown off more of the story-telling aspect of The Great Gatsby, this particular trailer is showing off some rather different things. It reveals massive partying, 1920s era cars weaving in and out of traffic, and another song from the soundtrack called “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got)” by Fergie, Q-Tip, and GoonRock.

The Playlist coined this phrase which I totally agree with and think is hilarious, “The Great Gatsby is basically ‘Jazz Age Spring Breakers.’” The main reason why I agree with that comparison is that both deal with metaphors involving the decline of the American Dream; that and there being absurd, extravagant parties with music that is clearly not jazz. Also, it looks and feels like a 1920s Spring Break with all the partying and drinking going on.

I’ve heard people go both ways when it comes to the soundtrack; I’m personally not a fan of it. While it isn’t Baz Luhrmann’s style to be exactly period-appropriate, I can accept that he has a style that seems to fit him well and attracts moviegoers to his films. The only thing I can hope for is that no one will hopefully burst out into song.

[via SlashFilm]

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