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Hugo star offered title role in Ender’s Game

I remain steadfast in my belief that the upcoming Ender’s Game adaptation will find some reason to go off the rails before it hits that 2013 release date. If it does show up, awesome, but I’m not expecting much. Asa Butterfield, star of next week’s Hugo, has been offered the role of Ender, the boy genius climbing his way through the ranks of an orbital Battle School as Earth prepares for another war against an alien menace that nearly destroyed the planet decades before.

I don’t know any of this kid’s work, though I’m seeing Hugo on Monday (check for the review on Tuesday or Wednesday), so I’m reserving my judgement. Ender is supposed to be a prepubescent boy, and Butterfield is fourteen, but the fact that the studio wants to cast someone younger than twenty feels like a point in the right direction anyway.

[Via Deadline]

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