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Kanye West plans to make a short film in the Middle East

When you think of the Middle East, what do you think of? Sultans? Oil? Terrorists? Burkas? Now one rapper wants you to think of his name as well. Kanye “The Jesus” West is looking to make a 30-minute art film set somewhere in the Middle East. Bwuh?

Mr. West, or ‘Ye as his friends call him (no seriously), wants to make a piece that will “bridge the cultural divide and break misconceptions,” according to his reps in the New York Observer. Apparently he fell in love with the region after performing last year in Abu Dhabi. Kanye also plans to use local talent, including “flashy Sheikhs.” Okay, you got me. I’m sold on whatever project includes the phrase “flashy Sheikhs.”

At least this film sounds more promising and culturally sensitive than the last time a high-profile rapper made a project concerning the Middle East.

[Via Indiewire]

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