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Marvel vs. DC

Comic book movies are being churned out at a fast pace recently, especially this year (2011) which will see the release of Thor, First Class, Captain America, Green Lantern to name a few, I’m still waiting on The Preacher, when, oh when will it ever be made.

With the meteoric rise in the popularity of comic book movies in the last 10 years, both Marvel and DC have stepped up to try and create their own movie universes. Admittedly it is not Marvel and DC anymore, it is Disney and Warner Brothers, but let’s just take that fact and sweep it under the carpet. No one really wants to think about that, it’s all about Marvel vs. DC.


First of all, let’s look at who started it. Both studios released serials (shorts that are played before the feature film in cinemas) pre 1950, Marvel first serial being about Captain America and DC’s first release being Superman. Maybe I could end this now and just decide who is better, Captain America or Superman? Hmm, let’s not.

The first real comic book movie released between these two was Batman (1966), by DC, obviously. There was one befor
Comic book movies are being churned out at a fast pace recently, especially this year (2011) which will see the release of Thor, X-Men: First Class, Captain America, Green Lantern to name a few, I’m still waiting on The Preacher, when, oh when will it ever be made.

With the meteoric rise in the popularity of comic book movies in the last 10 years, both Marvel and DC have stepped up to try and create their own movie universes. Admittedly it is not Marvel and DC anymore, it is Disney and Warner Brothers, but let’s just take that fact and sweep it under the carpet. No one really wants to think about that, it’s all about Marvel vs. DC.


First of all, let’s look at who started it. Both studios released serials (shorts that are played before the feature film in cinemas) pre 1950, Marvel first serial being about Captain America and DC’s first release being Superman. Maybe I could end this now and just decide who is better, Captain America or Superman? Hmm, let’s not.

The first real comic book movie released between these two was Batman (1966), by DC, obviously. There was one before this but it was a short government film called “Stamp day for superman”; I’m not going to count it. Even with the Batman release DC were 11 years ahead of Marvel who released ‘The amazing Spiderman’ (1977) and it was only outside of America that it was released. Marvel did not release a movie in America until 1985, when they released Red Sonja. Of course these early movies weren’t released by Marvel or DC themselves (DC have never released a movie, it is just under the label DC Universe by Warner Bros.).  However, Round 1 goes to DC comics.


Round 2 is opinion based, I am going to look at the quality of the movies that have come from DC and Marvel. I’ll only be focusing on the modern era because I admit; I have not seen the early Marvel/DC movies. Marvel’s Spiderman (2002) grossed $821,708,551 which is a strong showing for one of their most popular characters, even if you argue that he is not one of their best. Now we all know what DC’s biggest grossing comic movie is, Batman with over $1 Billion in sales. It is hard to say who is DC’s most recognisable hero, Superman is known by every man, woman and child but the new Superman movies was not on the superhero A list. Even with DC having the highest grossing movie between the two, Marvel has a much more impressive back catalogue at this date, with the X-Men, Spiderman, Iron man and Blade movies. DC has Batman, watchmen and some more Batman. Despite my love of Batman, Marvel has clearly provided themselves more in this round. Round 2 winner is Marvel.


We all love a good future round, unfortunately I can’t predict the future but I can tell you what movies have been announced. As I am writing this the story is that Marvel will be releasing; Thor, X-Men, Captain America, Ghost Rider, Spider-man, The Avengers and Iron Man movies in the future. DC has said that they will release Batman, Superman and the Green lantern. Good work DC, those Warner Brothers are working hard (Yeah, right?). Let’s look at the calibre of these movies. The biggest of these movies is likely to be Batman; it is enjoying the fruits of Chris Nolan’s labour. However, the excitement has worn off for me, yeah it is Batman and it will be great but I know it will be great and I know what Batman does.  The Avengers are a different story, it feels new and has a host of exciting characters for me to enjoy. Batman is worth its credit though, it is worth two or three bad Marvel movies, which let’s face it; Marvel has a fair few of. That still leaves X-Men and Iron Man which have proved to be good and successful which doesn’t always go hand in hand, just look at Kick-ass, really good movie but did terribly at the box office. I have looked at Batman so the next one is Green Lantern and Superman; can they compete with X-Men and Iron man? Green Lantern is definitely fresher than X-Men and Iron Man. Green Lanterns main let down right now is the casting, Ryan Reynolds playing the Green Lantern is an odd choice, I remember the Green Lantern being a serious guy not a crack talking funny man and looking at the trailer that is what Ryan Reynolds is bringing to the table. Can he pull that off playing the Green Lantern? I just don’t think so, maybe enough to please the general public. Superman may do well, I am undecided, they are definitely on the right path, bringing the tried and tested Chris Nolan to work on the project with Zack Snyder but let us just wait and see, there has already been so much Superman of late, I don’t know if they can keep the story fresh and exciting. Round 3 winner is Marvel.

Let’s be honest, this was an uneven round but looking at DC and Marvel in their respective movie universes these days, it is uneven anyway. DC has Batman, Marvel has everything else. Warner Brothers do not seem to be tapping into that DC back catalogue like they should; it is a shame as there are movies that I want to see made. I think it comes down to Marvel having their own studio and more freedom to do what they want with their comics, DC have missed the boat on this.

WINNER WINNER: Marvel Universe, King of cinema comics.

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