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New trailer for Breaking Bad film El Camino continues the legacy

Ahead of its October 11th release to the service, Netflixed released another teaser at last night’s Emmy Awards for their Jesse Pinkman feature film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie. Pinkman can’t catch a break.

Showing decidedly-little of the film, it would appear to pick up right where Breaking Bad‘s fifth (sixth? fifth-and-a-half… th?) and final season left off, with Walter White (Bryan Cranston) himself sticking it to the neo-Nazi thugs who imprisoned Jesse (Aaron Paul) to work as their Heisenbergian meth cook. Walter of course died in that epic concoction of machine-gun mayhem, though who could the “person of interest” mentioned above be?

Jesse? A survivor of the gang? We shall see, whether it’s on Netflix in your home or in a theater for a part of El Camino‘s limited theatrical run. You bet your crystal blue I’ll be seeing this on the big screen.

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