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Trailer: Sleeping Beauty (NSFW)

Still content with starring in modern fairy tales featuring brothels, actress Emily Browning looks to have moved on from the disaster of Sucker Punch to star in something both similar and leagues removed. While the former featured also the fair skinned damsel in a subconscious state of dispairs, it looks as if Sleeping Beauty will have the artful touch necessary to make us genuinely want to escape the horror of her human reality.

It’s a trailer that firmly stamps Sleeping Beauty on the radar of any serious filmgoer, but let’s not board that indie hype train until the film has made its way through the main selection of the Cannes Film Festival. This trailer evokes the darker sides of Stanley Kubrick and Dario Argento as Sophia Coppola might have done, but “JANE CAMPION PRESENTS” does not necessarily mean we’re dealing with something on the quality of Campion’s Bright Star, especially given that Sleeping Beauty‘s director is a first timer.

Strongest directoral debut of 2011? Only if it’s better than Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse.

Check it for yourself after the jump


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