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Wu-Tang Clan to play themselves in ODB biopic

Well not “play themselves” like the slang term for making a fool out of yourself … but rather play as themselves in a movie. Actually, maybe the first part is accurate as well.

A few months ago we brought news of Dirty White Boy, a biopic focusing on the later years of Wu-Tang Clan member Ol’ Dirty Bastard. While the casting of Big Baby Jesus went to Lego purist Michael K. Williams, the casting for the rest of the Wu-Tang Clan was still a question on peoples minds. In an interview with the New York Daily News, Williams mentioned that “[We] have no desire to cast any actors as the Wu-Tang … we need all hands on deck”. While the paper goes on to mention that we can expect to see all of the members of the Wu-Tang Clan, representatives for The GZA aka Genius stated that GZA will 100% not be appearing in the film.

So that solves that problem. I’ll admit there was part of me that was hoping to see how awful the casting would have been casting all current 9 members of The Wu, but with several members having acted before (like their small cameo in Flags of Our Fathers shown above), it only makes sense that they would play themselves. Will be interesting to say the least.

[via Hypetrak]


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