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NYCC: More cosplay from the show floor

Earlier today, Hubert brought you some pictures of some of the more interesting characters populating the New York Comic Con show floor, and, though the Con may have ended, we must still sit hunched over or laptops sorting through hundreds of pictures of people wearing everything from (minimal) clothing to inflatable wolf suits. The images in the gallery are very large (4666×3110 or 3110×4666 depending on orientation), but I make no promises as to their clarity at full zoom (due to poor lighting conditions, I occasionally needed to up my ISO a bit higher than my camera’s sensor liked). That being said, I think these pictures came out pretty well, and and they give you a pretty good sense of who/what we ran into over the past few days.

I’ve got other non-cosplay pictures (and hopefully some other cool things) to put up before all our NYCC 2011 coverage ends, so keep checking back and see what else we’ve got for you.

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