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Fox Exec says everyone will be back for new X-Files season

I watched X-Files when I was growing up like Malcom McDowll watched propaganda. You couldn’t tear my eyes away. I couldn’t even finish the season 10 reboot. That’s why it’s with much trepidation that I’m reporting that Fox CEO and chairman Dana Walden said on a recent earnings call that she believes that David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and creator Chris Carter should all be returning for an 11th season.

She reportedly didn’t seem entirely sure of this fact so this isn’t official confirmation that it’s coming, but CEOs don’t usually spout out things like this unless things are pretty far along. She went on to explain that they’re in talks right now and that scheduling issues may mean we’ll have to wait a bit for season 11. She thinks we’ll know more by this time next year meaning we probably won’t seen the show until late 2017 or early 2018.

I’m really not sure I want this to happen. Season 10 felt just so incredibly forced and out of place. The X-Files je ne sais qoui was completely missing or entirely outdated. It felt like a 90s show trying to play in the new millennium and entirely out of place. There were moments that were fun, but overall season 10 just made me wish they’d never tried at all. 

And yet… maybe they can get it right this time. They could update the show and make it feel like it’s made for television today instead of being ripped out of the 90s. If they’re going to move forward with this then they need to make X-Files relevant again, not just try to ape what worked before. 

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